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We’re aware of the impact tourism can have on the environment, so we’re working towards building our cottages using natural, sustainable materials where possible. So our walls and fixings are made of coir, in plentiful supply courtesy of the giving coconut palm. And we use (and re-use) local woods to build much of our furniture.

We also discourage the over-use of plastic by providing free water refills for our guests, and keep our power usage down by using only low energy lighting. We also cool our huts using efficient ceiling fans and natural ventilation – using much less power than air conditioning units. Our hot shower water is from Solar power, all of which comes from our well.

Our restaurant menu has been designed around locally sourced ingredients. We even grow our own rice! And we keep chickens at our farm, who are as free range as they come. In fact most of the time they can be found up the mango trees (yes, our pickles and jams are made with our own mangos too!) The chickens do pop down from time to time to lay eggs, which land up on your table.

We still have a long way to go to becoming ‘green’, but we are committed to doing our bit to preserve Goa’s natural beauty. If you have any suggestions about how we could become greener, do let us know.